Saturday, October 31, 2009

40 Weeks of Genius

Here I am... up again for my 4 am feeding... whoever planned this whole 40 weeks of being pregnant must have known what they were doing, because I don't think it could be any more perfect...

First trimester - you are completely wiped out. This allows you to slow down from "normal life". Your body rejects anything that may be unhealthy and craves nutrients for your baby/ies. You change your schedule to allow for more naps and rest up because it's going to be a long 40 weeks - but everything is new and exciting so you are ready!

Second trimester - you feel awesome. Life is great. You have just enough "bump" to look pregnant (and not like you've been enjoying too many fudgesicles), but not too much bump so that it prevents you from tying your shoe. You feel your baby/ies kicking, dancing and love each movement. Your energy levels are back to normal and you love being pregnant. You have a healthy glow and everyone comments on how good pregnancy looks on you. This is the time you remember next time you talk about getting pregnant.

Third trimester - you are uncomfortable. You pee every half hour, but always feel like its time to go again. Your hands and feet are swollen and ache. You sleep in increments (probably to prepare you for life with baby/ies) and never truly fall into a deep sleep so you live in a fog during the day (on top of pregnancy brain). You still feel your baby/ies, but feel them clawing at your bladder, kicking you in gut and trying to bury themselves under your ribs. People no longer tell you how good you look pregnant but make comments on "how big you've gotten" and how "it looks like you are about to pop".

Now, I have really enjoyed these past 34 weeks and have loved being pregnant, but I think it is necessary for me to feel a little uncomfortableness now... One, as I said before, I think it is preparing me for life with babies and two, if I didn't, I'd probably want to keep these little girls in my belly forever!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Too Little, Too Late Update

Hello everyone! I apologize for the delay in posts, but I just got back from visiting my friends/family in NOVA, where they threw me a wonderful baby shower! (I'll post a blog/pics soon) I had to cut the trip short because I was having trouble sleeping and was really exhausted, but I loved all of the time I was able to spend with everyone!

Quick update: Babies turned 30 weeks last Thursday and according to our last ultrasound (this past Monday), they are developing on track and weigh 3 pounds each!!! I can't believe I have 6 pounds of baby in my belly! Except, they remind me of that on an hourly basis :)

Here's an updated pic of the big bulge... now we're looking pregnant!